Low Glycemic foods

Low glycemic foods are the best foods to eat if you are trying to control your blood sugar, but it also works well to eat low glycemic foods if your...

Fast Weight Loss

Best way to lose weight fast I’m often asked what the best way to lose weight fast is – and while you might think that there is some mystery...


These foods (mostly vegetables) are especially good at helping you to feel full and are low in calories. When you are looking for foods to help you...

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Why is it that everything that tastes good bad for you? I’ve pondered this question a lot. My kids suggest that “they” should make broccoli taste...

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Are you ready to go gluten-free?  Going gluten-free is very difficult, but is much easier with help.   What is gluten? The term “gluten”...


Sugar Free Diet for Diabetics If you ask most medical doctors or even established associations such as the American Diabetes Association (see Diabetes...

Real Health Care Reform

Health care reform? I don’t know about you, but I have yet to see anything remotely resembling health care reform in ObamaCare. What I do see...

This year marks the second annual 30 Sugar Free Days Program and your chance to make January a MONTH WITHOUT SUGAR. Season of Sugar It is that time of year again: The Season of Sugar. As the weather turns colder, and the sun dips lower in the sky (except for you...

Food Allergies

This post is a response to a few comments I’ve had recently about being allergic to everything. To read the original article, click here: I’m allergic...

Calcium Myths

Let’s continue our nutritional quiz by taking a closer look at calcium. People generally think that they need calcium in their diet (and they are...

Brain Health


Why Does Sugar Give Me a Headache?


The Alzheimer’s and Sugar Connection

Brain Light

What Sugar Does to Your Brain

Weight Loss


Timing Your Day For Optimal Fat Burning


How to Lose Weight


Tracking Weight Loss Progress


Diet Success Stories